Kathy Schulte-Maxson | Little Free Library
Bring a friend and join us for an informative presentation about Little Free Libraries. Kearney has 7 individual locations located in neighborhoods in West and Southwest Kearney. Kathy Schulte-Maxson is Makayla Maxson’s mother and is a Girl Scouts leader in Kearney. Makayla is a freshman at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, and will not be able to join us.
Aug 18, 2023 | 2:56 PM KEARNEY — A grand opening for two of the newest Free Little Libraries in Kearney will be Aug. 26 at 4 p.m. at 14 La Platte Road, Kearney.
Makayla Maxson, a 2023 graduate of Kearney High school, built the libraries as a part of her Gold Award for Girl Scouts. The second free little library is at 103 E. 17th.
United Way partnered with Makayla on the project through advisement and will continue as the stewards of the libraries going forward. In addition to building the libraries, Makayla collected books, fundraised for the project, and will hold a patch day for local Girl Scouts at the Kearney Public Library on August 26th prior to the grand opening.
“This is a great collaboration between United Way and one of our partner agencies, the Girl Scouts. United Way wished to provide free libraries in lower-income neighborhoods, so that children without immediate access might be able to grow in their love for reading. Makayla’s project met that goal, and much more.” Lyon said. United Way will maintain the libraries in partnership with the homeowners of each property.
Those wishing to volunteer or donate books can contact Savannah Lyon at the United Way office by emailing savannah@uwka.org or calling 308-237-6840.